The Journey Begins

Growing up in a one-parent, one-income household instilled in me a sense of resilience and gratitude for the bare necessities. Despite our financial constraints, my Mom worked hard to ensure my younger brother and I had shelter, three meals a day, and the essentials for school. Toys and video games were reserved for special occasions like birthdays and Christmas.

As I entered the workforce and began earning my own income, I indulged in the material luxuries I had longed for as a child. The ability to purchase any toy or video game I desired became a way to fulfill my inner child's wishes. I surrounded myself with possessions; I couldn't shake the persistent emptiness. The joy and magic accompanying unwrapping presents during birthdays and Christmas seemed elusive, lost amid material abundance.

My living space became cluttered and overcrowded with my spontaneous purchase. I bought a lot of things that I didn't need, especially name-brand shoes and clothes that, in all honesty, I didn't really like or were comfortable with. I wanted the game rooms you see on Instagram to show that I was a true nerd dressed like an urban influencer.

Last year, I realized that most of my material possessions didn't make me happy. I reevaluated what brings me happiness: playing video games, writing, and having a clean space. I want 2024 to be the year I start doing things I love. I want to be healthier mentally and physically for myself and my family.

In an attempt to reconnect with that sense of bliss from my childhood, I embarked on a journey of introspection. I created this blog to recognize the disparity between material accumulation and true fulfillment. The blog will bring together the two things that bring me happiness: video games and writing.

Through the documentation of the myriad items amassed over the past 15 years, I hope to unearth the essence of what once brought me unparalleled joy and discover a more meaningful source of contentment. This endeavor is a nostalgic trip through possessions and a quest to rediscover the genuine happiness that transcends the tangible and fleeting nature of material acquisitions.

By putting my journey out there, I aim to inspire people to do what they love and not worry about keeping up with the Instagram influencers. Most importantly, by having this blog, I am keeping myself honest and accountable.

I am nervous about saving this blog and posting it, but I know this feeling of nerves makes it worth it. Cheers to the first step in a successful 2024.